



Conditionals Gather all conditionals and optionally wrap them in a "lambda".
Data Plugin to handle default data statements (`INSERT` etc.). Note this currently does not check for existence (this is sort-of a todo). Authors are responsible for checking this themselves (`IF NOT FOUND`).
ExplicitDrop Abstract base plugin. Usually other plugins extend this, but should at the very least implement `Dbmover\Core\PluginInterface`.
ForceNamedIndexes Abstract base plugin. Usually other plugins extend this, but should at the very least implement `Dbmover\Core\PluginInterface`.
IndexesAndConstraints Migrate all indexes and constraints. Vendor authors must extend this plugin and provide their vendor-specific methods.
Loader The main Loader class. This represents a migration for a single unique DSN from the `dbmover.json` config file.
Plugin Abstract base plugin. Usually other plugins extend this, but should at the very least implement `Dbmover\Core\PluginInterface`.
PluginUnavailableException Thrown if a plugin was requested, but it is not available.
Procedures Abstract base plugin. Usually other plugins extend this, but should at the very least implement `Dbmover\Core\PluginInterface`.
Tables Abstract base plugin. Usually other plugins extend this, but should at the very least implement `Dbmover\Core\PluginInterface`.
Views Plugin to drop and recreate all views.